Whitefield Health CareYarnspinners Health Care Centre Yarnspinners Wharf Carr RoadNelson, BB9 7SRTel: 01282 911550
Appointments Appointments can be made by telephone. Please make a separate appointment for each person. If you find you are unable to attend please cancel as soon as possible so that the appointment can be offered to someone else
Test Results Please contact the surgery to obtain the results of tests or x-rays. For reasons of confidentiality test results can only be given to the patient themselves or to the parent or legal guardian of children under 16 years of age.
Telephone Advice If you require a telephone consultation with a doctor or nurse, please tell the receptionist who will arrange for the doctor or nurse to ring you on the contact details you provide.
This easy to use patient questionnaire has been validated for use in Primary Care.
It is used by your doctor to assess your level of physical activity.